Winners revealed! Discover the Top Creative Companies of 2024

Organised by our sister company If You Could, the inaugural award recognises 25 creative companies that have built inspiring, supportive and brilliant workplaces

12 June 2024

Ever wondered which creative companies offer the best workplaces? How many organisations are promoting flexible working hours, generous holiday allowances and plenty of parental leave? Which teams are nurturing new talent, and providing inspiring, supportive management structures?

Today, our sister company If You Could reveals the winners of its Top Creative Companies award. Designed to celebrate organisations that are providing inspiring, supportive and brilliant workplaces, it highlights 25 companies that have cleared the benchmark as a top creative workplace.

Within that, two honorary winners have been selected in three key categories: culture, craft and leadership. Culture – awarded to Mashmob and Nice & Serious Ltd – considers the work environment, and how collaboration cultivates a team’s creativity. Craft – awarded to Boyle & Perks and Artiq – is all about how creativity is valued within the team, the final outcome of the work, and the impact of these ideas. Finally, leadership – awarded to Driftime® and We Are Tilt – judges the impact of management to champion creativity, transparency, and purpose within its teams.

The methodology behind the award was devised with Part & Sum, If You Could’s strategy partner. The award was free to enter, conducting two surveys that contributed to the final score. The first survey was completed by employers, gathering information on the policies and practices they provide. The second survey asked employees about how these policies supported their professional life and, most importantly, how they enabled a better quality of creative work.

With this anonymous data – collected from a total of over 800 participants – If You Could has produced two insight reports. The Creative Industry Benchmarks report provides statistics on workplace standards, such as working hours, pension contributions, parental leave, and more. It contains countless revealing insights – on how companies conduct pay reviews, for example, or what’s most commonly offered as part of its health and wellness benefits. Not only does this report detail the best practices in place today, it also shows us the areas in which the industry as a whole can improve.

The second report – the Individual Evaluation Framework – enables companies to learn from their own employees. Organisations can use this to gather feedback on the policies and practices they have in place, actively informing a new framework across culture, craft and leadership. Both reports are available to purchase – independently or together – today.

These days, creatives are infamously overworked and undervalued. With that in mind, these reports provide a much-needed benchmark for healthier workplaces – ones that promote wellness, encourage collaboration and, most importantly, foster creativity.

Do you want to be considered for Top Creative Companies next year? Register your interest for the 2025 programme today.

The winners of Top Creative Companies 2024 are:

Apna Studio
Boyle & Perks
Golden Wolf
Lyon & Lyon
Nice & Serious
On the Edge
Something Familiar
Studio Graphene
Studio Nomad
Three Blind Mice Group
We Are Tilt
Writing Club

Culture honorary winners: Mashmob, Nice & Serious
Craft honorary winners: Artiq , Boyle & Perks
Leadership honorary winners: Driftime® , We Are Tilt

In partnership with

Top Creative Companies Awards have been founded by If You Could, the jobs board from It’s Nice That. If You Could Jobs started TCC to celebrate work done by organisations across culture, craft and leadership to provide inspiring, supportive and brilliant workplaces.

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It's Nice That

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