The Graduates 2019Fanélie Muselier's animation made with marker pens presents the spirit of New Orleans12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Pablo Di Prima’s searing portraits tell the intimate backstories of his subjects12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Kitsch, cult classics and 45 ceramic objects: Naomi Anderson-Subryan knows how to make us smile12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Primary colours and meticulous compositions define Hugo Yu’s photography12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Religion, race and queerness collide in Vancouver-based photographer Rydel Cerezo's portfolio12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Somewhere between adorable and disgusting: Joe Jack Chapman’s digital worlds12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Hollie Fuller creates bizarrely lovable characters to populate her illustrated world12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...ÉCAL graduate David Massara honours the rich history of graphic design in his research-led portfolio12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Stefanie Tam’s graphic design grounds conceptual thinking in compelling visuals12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Join us on the confusing, surreal acid trip that is Jack Wedge's animation Goodbye Mommy12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Photographer Justin Carter is constantly questioning the world around him12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Photographer Izzy Leach challenges the male archetypes put forward by Shakespeare12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Romain Roucoules artistically comments on the environment, social media and politics – with food12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Laura Csocsán's typefaces are the product of rational thinking, executed with personality12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Eryn Lougheed’s fantastical, illustrative paintings are windows onto dreamlike worlds12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Animation graduate Esther Cheung on her stunning short film In Passing12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Tanya Teibtner is adding a new tone of voice to the visual communicativeness of illustration12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Suzy Chan’s portfolio boasts original graphic design, animation, typography and so much more12 August 2019The Graduates 2019Features...AdviceAdviceThe Graduates 2019The essentials of handling your finances as a graduate, junior or freelance creative17 June 2019The Graduates 2019Features..."Life is not about speed, but direction": Comforting tales from top creatives' first year out of art school13 June 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Does the perfect portfolio exist? Top creatives and studios offer their advice5 June 2019The Graduates 2019Features...Job interviews: Pentagram, Wieden+Kennedy and Bureau Borsche on how to get them and what to say10 June 2019The Graduates 2019Features...The Graduates ArchiveThe Graduates 2018The Graduates 2017The Graduates 2016The Graduates 2015The Graduates 2014It's Nice That NewslettersFancy a bit of It's Nice That in your inbox? Sign up to our newsletters and we'll keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the creative world.Email address:Subscribe